Truax, R., Liu, F., Chowdhury, S., and St. Pierre, R., Optimizing Design and Control of Running Robots Abstracted as a Torque Driven Spring Loaded Inverted Pendulum. ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA
Skowronski, N., Malek Pour, M., Singh, S., Longo, S.J. and St. Pierre, R., Design and control of jumping microrobots with torque reversal latches. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics.
Singh, S., Temel, Z., and St. Pierre, R, Multi-modal jumping and crawling in an autonomous, springtail-inspired microrobot. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan
Singh, S., Truax, R., and St. Pierre, R. Buffalo Byte: A Highly Mobile and Autonomous Millirobot Platform. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2024.
Divi, S., St. Pierre, R., Foong, H-M, and Bergbreiter, S., Controlling jumps through latches in small jumping robots. Biomimetics and Bioinspiration, 2023.
Longo, S.J., St. Pierre, R., Bergbreiter, S., Cox, S., Schelling, B. and Patek, S.N., Geometric latches enable tuning of ultrafast, spring-propelled movements. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2023.
Hyun, N.P., Olberding, J.P., De, A., Divi, S., Liang, X., Thomas, E., St. Pierre, R., Steinhardt, E., Jorge, J., Longo, S.J. and Cox, S., Mendoza, E., Sutton, G.P., Azizi, E., Crosby, A.J., Bergbreiter, S., Wood, R.J., Patek, S.N. Spring and latch dynamics can act as control pathways in ultrafast systems. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2022.
Sutton, G. P., St. Pierre, R., Kuo, C-Y., Summers, A. P., Bergbreiter, S., Cox, S., Patek, S. N., Dual spring force couples yield multifunctionality and ultrafast, precision rotation in tiny biomechanical systems. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2022.
Krishnan, T., Divi, S., St. Pierre, R., Bergbreiter, S., Ilton, M., Performance trade-offs in a latch-mediated spring actuated robotic jumper American Physical Society, Chicago, IL, March 14-18, 2022.
St. Pierre, R. and Bergbreiter S., Legged locomotion at low Reynolds numbers: limitations on microrobots and insects Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Virtual, January 2021.
Sutton, G.P., St. Pierre, R., Kuo, C.Y., Summers, A., Bergbreiter, S., Patek, S.N., Devilish dynamics: precision mandible rotation without pins by ultrafast, spring-actuated trap-jaw strikes In Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Virtual, January 2021.
2020 and prior
Divi, S., Ma, X., Ilton, M., St. Pierre, R., Eslami, B., Patek, S.N. and Bergbreiter, S., Latch-based control of energy output in spring actuated systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2020.
St. Pierre, R., Gao, W., Clark, J.E., Bergbreiter, S., Viscoelastic legs for open-loop control of gram-scale robots. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics. 2020.
Kim, S., Velez, C., St. Pierre, R., Smith, G.L. and Bergbreiter, S., A Two-Step Fabrication Method for 3D Printed Microactuators: Characterization and Actuated Mechanisms. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2020.
Longo, S., Cox, S., Azizi, E., Ilton, M., Olberding, J.,St. Pierre, R., and Patek, S., Beyond power amplification: new insights from latch-mediated spring actuation (LaMSA) Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.
Osgood, A., Sutton, G., St. Pierre, R., and Cox, S. More evidence against a force-velocity trade-off in dynamic lever systems Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.
Soreni-Harari, M., St. Pierre, R., McCue, C., Moreno, K. and Bergbreiter, S.. Multimaterial 3D Printing for Microrobotic Mechanisms. Soft Robotics, 2019.
Longo, S., Cox, S., Azizi, E., Ilton, M., Olberding, J.,St. Pierre, R., and Patek, S., Beyond power amplification: An emerging cross-disciplinary paradigm of latch-mediated spring actuation Journal of Experimental Biology, 2019.
St. Pierre, R.and Bergbreiter, S., Toward Autonomy in Sub-Gram Terrestrial Robots Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2019.
St. Pierre, R., Eslami, B., and Bergbreiter, S., Ground reaction force sensing of milligram-scale legged microrobots, 20th International Conference on Solid-StateSensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS& EUROSENSORS XXXIII), Berlin, Germany, June 23-27, 2019.
Sachyani, E., Epstein, A., Soreni-Harari, M.,St. Pierre, R., Magdassi, S., and Bergbreiter, S. 3D Printed Ferrofluid Based Soft Actuators IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 20-24,2019.
Parsons, Z., St. Pierre, R., and Bergbreiter, S. Towards understanding the role of resilin in arthropod springs and its applications to microrobotics Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Tampa, FL, January 3-7, 2019.
St. Pierre, R., Gosrich, W and Bergbreiter, S., A 3D-printed 1 mg legged microrobot running at 15 body lengths per second, Hilton Head 2018 Workshop,June 3-7, 2018.
Gollob, S., Manian, Y.,St. Pierre, R., Chen, A. and Bergbreiter, S., Lightweight,Compliant, Contact-Resistance-Based Airflow Sensor for Quadcopter Ground EffectSensing, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Brisbane,Australia, May 21-25, 2018.
St. Pierre, R., Paul, N., and Bergbreiter, S., 3DFlex: A rapid prototypingapproach for multi-material compliant mechanisms in millirobots, IEEE InternationalConference on Robotics and Automation 2017, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, May29-June 3, 2017.
Vogtmann, D., St. Pierre, R., and Bergbreiter, S., Magnetic actuation of thick film multi-material compliant mechanisms Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2017.
Vogtmann, D., St. Pierre, R., and Bergbreiter, S., A 25 mg magnetically actuated microrobot walking at>5 body lengths/sec, IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, January 22-26, 2017.
St. Pierre, R. and Bergbreiter, S. Gait exploration of sub-2 g robots using magnetic actuation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2016.
Liu, T, St. Pierre, R., and Livermore, C. Passively-switched energy harvester for increased operational range, Smart Materials and Structures, 2014.
St. Pierre, R., Vogtmann, D., and Bergbreiter, S. Model-based insights on the design of a hexapod magnetic walker, International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Marrakech, Morocco, June 15-18, 2014.
St. Pierre, R. and Livermore, C. Coupled-motion harvesting vs. plucked harvesting: which performs better PowerMEMS 2012, Atlanta, GA, December2-5 2012.